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12. 4, 2010 at 5:30.
” -Id like to know these things: Is there a procedure for how a armored car is proteced, if so what is it? What are the rules and procedures for handling the transfer of physical money from and to banks? Is there list of these rules online that you can link me to? Do procedures for carrying and transfering money differ for different companies? How many companies build and operate armored vehicles and trucks? Does the government have a hand in regulating the protection of armored cars or making procedues?If so, what is it? How many guards are assigned to a armored car vehicle? Are the vehicle guards armed with weapons? What kind of weapons are they armed with? Do armored cars have lo-jack on them? What alarms or protections do armored cars have? Do armored cars run on a schedule or do they just perfrom when requested and needed?Can regular people purchase used or old armored vehicles? What are the qualifications for becoming a armored car driver? Im doing this for a school project. ”
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5. 5, 2010 at 20:45.
” -Im looking for a car right now. I would like a good affordable car thats 12,000 and under. I dont want a big truck or SUV i just want a normal sized car. I travel alot so i dont want a super small car i want it to be a little spacey, and have a good sized trunk. It has to have pretty good gas millage. What are some cars you recommend for me? ”
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6. 14, 2010 at 11:22.
” -Why do police brag about there cars when everybody knows the posted performance specs already? ”
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12. 24, 2009 at 15:20.
” -I Have an Acura RSX and it has a few things done to the engine, and I dont know anything about cars. I would like to do more because I would like to race it, but once again, I have no idea what im looking at when I see performance parts. So my question is, is there an educational Video on cars, or even a book or website? ”
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6. 28, 2010 at 12:12.
” -A man I know is currently under investigation for planning to ship cars to cuba ,to help the goverment and to make America look bad for its embargo which effects the poor,is this man wrong and will he end up getting treason? ”
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10. 12, 2010 at 5:34.
” -No, Im not planning to be like them (heck I cant even drive yet XD) I just find it interesting, the way they turn normal cars to speed machines. Plus they also look pretty cool, how do they do that? What are some of the most popular parts they use? ”