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12. 14, 2009 at 10:57.
” -Im looking for a car right now. I would like a good affordable car thats 12,000 and under. I dont want a big truck or SUV i just want a normal sized car. I travel alot so i dont want a super small car i want it to be a little spacey, and have a good sized trunk. It has to have pretty good gas millage. What are some cars you recommend for me? ”
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12. 10, 2010 at 10:44.
” -Hi what is a good website to look at cars and what is a good first car to get? Thankyou. ”
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4. 25, 2009 at 14:26.
” -A Disney phone has one for tracking location of the holder, but Im looking for one for an automobile--to see the history of where the car has been. ”
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9. 28, 2009 at 5:7.
” -The garbage really smells and its like right next to our cars. When people throw big things away like couches and old bbq grills it is so easy for that stuff to hit our cars. Are the managers violating some kind of violation code? Shouldnt the garbages have to be in their own seperate area? How do I find out this information so I can take it to my apartment office and force them to move them nasty garbages? ”
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4. 3, 2010 at 16:54.
” -I have to write a paper about the symbolism of the cars, but I left the sheet of paper with the exact type at school. ”
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8. 14, 2009 at 5:24.
” -I am extremely interested in old cars, and someday would like to own a classic car dealership. However, I dont have a great deal of experience and Im just wondering where would be the best place to start learning. Are there and recommendations anyone has on books, or any other information anyone has to offer would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot! ”