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Comment: comfort audi 3.0l timing belt installation is
12. 4, 2009 at 12:25.
” -The virtual drivers in the detailed cockpits of these supposedly "realistic" sims barely move their hands when turning the wheel, even when navigating hairpin turns? Every video of every car Ive seen in these games have tighter turning than F1 cars. ”
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6. 3, 2010 at 6:23.
” -If all cars were made with a max speed of 80mph this would stop speeding and possibly prevent accidents/loss of life. I mean whats the point in a car being able to travel 160mph? ”
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12. 7, 2009 at 2:14.
” -Currently, I work in a very small automobile service business. We regularly send our loyal customers information regarding promotions. ”
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6. 25, 2010 at 6:48.
” -I am turning 16 in a few months and i just got my temps and i am looking for a cheep car that runs good and that would be safe. I have been looking on Craigs list and i really like 1992 honda accords or 1996 honda civic ex. If you have any other suggestions for reliable cars that would be good for me more that style, or 1000 - 3000 price range it would be nice. ”
Comment: smile audi 3.0l timing belt installation faster
8. 24, 2009 at 16:30.
” -Gasoline burned in an automobile engine produces work and heat. Gasoline burned in a cooking stove produces only heat. On an equal mass basis, the ?Es are the same in both cases. Explain. ”
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5. 10, 2009 at 17:24.
” -I have a lot of old model cars that my grandfather collected. There are some Im keeping but there are just too many to keep them all. A lot of them are collectors items and I believe he paid a fair amount of money for them. Where can I take these cars and trucks to have them appraised? ”